An Open Letter To My Egg Baby 2021

Krista Green
6 min readDec 20, 2021

Hello All,

You didn’t think I would forget to do this would you? Actually I did legitimately almost forget about this and that’s why it’s a month late… Anyways, it’s time for my 2nd annual Open Letter to My Egg Baby 2021. For anyone who still cares enough to read anything I write, this is an annual series I’m doing where I write an open letter to the child that was conceived when I anonymously donated my eggs back in November 2019. (If you’d like to read that one first I’ll post the link in the comments or something). Well it’s certainly been a hell of a year, so let’s get started!

Hello Egg Baby. By now you should be roughly a year old (my guesstimate is 13 or 14 months). Happy Belated Birthday! We’re still living in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The only difference is now a majority of people are vaccinated, so we get to try and have a mostly normal life experience. I’m sure you’ve already started exploring the world around you. You can probably crawl and maybe you have even started walking a little. I picture you living in some big fancy NYC apartment or townhouse. You have an incredible view from your crib, and you only eat the finest blended organic mush. You’re babbling and maybe you’ve even said a couple of words. Very exciting stuff. I wish I could just have a peak into what your life is like. But as we know, I can only assume or imagine these things for now, so better move onto what’s been going on in my life.

I won’t lie, 2021 has been very good to me. I quit my first post-grad job at the end of April because I realized how unhappy I was doing remote quality assurance work for that child-services agency. If anyone out there is looking for jobs, stay away from any job title that says the words ‘Quality Assurance.’ I promise you will thank me. I ended up getting a job as an ABA therapist. Holy shit what a mistake that was. I had that job for a hot two days. I’m not even joking. Two days. Then I quit. No backup plan what so ever. Just a few grand in my savings to live off of until I could figure out what the hell else I was going to do.

I won’t get into the details of why I hated being an ABA therapist. You can google the controversies of ABA therapy. It just was not for me. It was long hours of traveling to people’s homes and providing services. I had panic attacks a handful of times the only two days I worked, so I quickly made what was the best choice for me and quit. I was relieved but also scared. All the anxiety and stress I had when I was unemployed for those couple months after I graduated grad school came flooding back. I would now be unemployed for another 3 months.

But wait Krista I thought you said 2021 was really good to you? Doesn’t sound like it… Yes it was! Let me finish! Quitting both of those jobs was literally the best thing I’ve ever done for myself career wise. During my time of unemployment for those few months, as I kept applying for random jobs and did some deep thinking, it finally occurred to me what would be my ideal social work job. I wanted a job working with kids, something that pays well, and had great hours/summers off. It finally seemed so obvious. School social worker. (Truly one of the only social work jobs that does pay well if you’re in the NYC public school system). The only other job I’ve ever truly loved is being a camp counselor, so this just made sense. I got to work right away to make sure I had everything I needed to lock one of these jobs down by the times the school year started.

Luckily I had gotten my LMSW license earlier this year, so I just applied like a mad woman to any and every NYC elementary school that I could. I was lucky enough to end up at a school that I believe is the perfect fit for me, and I couldn’t be happier. Don’t get me wrong, everyday is not rainbows and sunshine. Kids get into fights and can just be jerks sometimes. But they are also so incredible, smart, funny, and kind. I care so deeply about them and my school community as a whole. It feels really good to finally feel like I’m meant where I’m supposed to be career wise; It’s a feeling I’ve literally never had until this job.

Okay, let’s move onto the more juicy stuff. My love life! I have been with my boyfriend for a little over a year now. I won’t get all sappy, but I think the love we have for each other is the realest thing I’ve ever felt and i’m incredibly lucky to have him in my life. I remember last year I wrote, “I don’t think I’ve ever given or received more love in my entire life than I have this year. I’m a slut for love!” Well I still stand by that slut part. But man I don’t know…this years love intake/outtake might of topped that! My friends and family are truly what makes me whole, and I’m eternally grateful for them.

So what else can I say about this year? Well I finally got my own apartment! No more roommates for this bitch! Finally. It’s always been a goal of mine to have my own place and I’m so glad I do. I’ve also taken a pretty big step back from social media. Don’t get me wrong, I still go on it a lot and am somewhat addicted to it like everyone else. However, I’m not usually the one posting anymore. Last year I found myself really addicted to the attention/validation I would get from people thinking I was funny online. But now that I’ve really eased up on tweeting and positing comedy videos, I think it’s improved my mental health. Don’t worry, I still have a deep love for comedy. I just don’t think that online platform is good for me. While I know I will never have a career in comedy anymore, I still have the desire to get back into the NYC improv scene at some point. That is a legitimate goal of mine for 2022.

Well that’s basically been the gist of my year. I feel good. I feel happy and have a positive outlook on the future. Gross, I sound like some question you’d read on a likert scale mental health assessment. But that’s more than I’ve ever been able to say for myself given my history with anxiety/depression. So I hope you had a good first year of life Egg Baby. You certainly won’t remember any of it, but if you ever find me someday, we can always talk about it. Goodbye for now.



P.S — Once again, if my Egg Baby is in fact reading this some decades into the future, please feel free to reach out to me. I desperately want to get to know you! Also, if you are as rich as I imagine you to be, can I have some of your trust fund? The inflation rate at this point has to have risen to like 20% and a pizza probably costs like $50…so please lend a girl some $$.

